

  Voting Population

Eligibility (78.8% eligible to vote)
Vermont, the first state admitted after the original 13 colonies, joined the Union in March 1791, and has participated in every election since 1792. While current-day Vermont is reliably Democratic in national elections, it is interesting to note that from the founding of the modern Republican Party in 1854 through the election of 1988, Vermont went Republican in every election except 1964, when it voted for Lyndon Johnson over Barry Goldwater. In 1992, Vermont broke this tradition, voting for Bill Clinton over George Bush, and has been “blue” ever since. In 2016, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by a margin of 56% to 30%, easily winning the state’s three electoral votes.

has 3 Electoral College votes to cast in Presidential elections.

State Capital: Montpelier, VT   •   2020 Population: 628,061   •   US Representatives: 1

  Recent Election Results

2016 Presidential (19.3% voted Republican)
2012 Presidential (40.4% voted Democratic)
2016 US Senate
2016 US House
2016 Gubernatorial

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