Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
Voting Population
Eligibility (77.2% eligible to vote)
Race (63.6% white)
Gender (51.6% female)
Age (46.2% 30-64 yrs old)
Rural Population: 10.9%
Median Income: $54,931
5-yr Unemployment: 6.7%
Metro Area: Charleston, SC
Population Description: Within a metro areas of 250,000 to 1 million population
Median Income: $54,931
5-yr Unemployment: 6.7%
Metro Area: Charleston, SC
Population Description: Within a metro areas of 250,000 to 1 million population
Recent Election Results
2016 Presidential (25.7% voted Republican)
2012 Presidential (27.7% voted Democratic)
2016 US Senate
2016 US House
2014 Gubernatorial
Current Elected Officials
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