

  Voting Population

Eligibility (75.1% eligible to vote)
Missouri gained statehood in August 1821. A Midwestern state bordering the south, Missouri has, until recently, been a true battleground state with amazing historical accuracy at voting for the ultimate election winner. From 1904 through 2004, Missourians got it wrong just once – preferring Adlai Stevenson over Dwight Eisenhower in 1956. In 2008, the streak ended when Barack Obama lost to John McCain by the slenderest of margins, 49.4% to 49.3%, or about 3,900 votes out of 2.93 million cast. Obama lost here again in 2012, this time by 9.5%. An even bigger margin was achieved by Donald Trump in 2016, he won by nearly 19% over Hillary Clinton.

has 10 Electoral College votes to cast in Presidential elections.

State Capital: Jefferson City, MO   •   2020 Population: 6,169,270   •   US Representatives: 8

  Recent Election Results

2016 Presidential (35.1% voted Republican)
2012 Presidential (26.9% voted Democratic)
2016 US Senate
2016 US House
2016 Gubernatorial

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