

  Voting Population

Eligibility (70.1% eligible to vote)
Illinois became a state in December 1818. Largely Republican from the Civil War through the 1920s, the state voted Democratic throughout the Great Depression and World War II, then returned to the Republicans for eight out of 10 elections from 1952 through 1988. Illinois has voted Democratic in the last seven elections. In 2016, Hillary Clinton easily beat Donald Trump 56% to 39%.

has 20 Electoral College votes to cast in Presidential elections.

State Capital: Springfield, IL   •   2020 Population: 12,659,682   •   US Representatives: 18

  Recent Election Results

2016 Presidential (23.8% voted Republican)
2012 Presidential (33.5% voted Democratic)
2016 US Senate
2016 US House
2014 Gubernatorial

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